Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Focus Group - Target Audience.

this is a small focus group that was helpfully recorded by my media teacher Mrs Moore. This has enabled me to workout what is needed for the animation. the feedback was exceptionally helpful. The feedback states that the animation meets its aim of being entertaining for the young audience, with all three viewers enjoying the film. During the viewing one of the children made her own sound effects. This self expression of the sound signifies that more sound effects might be needed. This could be easily achieved. Feedback given after the viewing tells me that some scenes are viewed with mixed feelings. The more slapstick scenes are sometimes viewed as repetitive, but the scene with the three red creatures was loved greatly by the target. audience.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Finished Animation

Hammerspace (unfinished) from Lee Cooper on Vimeo.

This is my finished animation. It is a "silent movie" with music composed by Veronina, and it has been prevued by my class. For a focus group I will attempt to show the animation in a school and receive feedback from the appropriate focus groups.