- Technology trigger
- Peak of inflated expectations
- Trough of disillusionment
- Slope of enlightenment
- Plateau of productivity
There are also types of "adopters" for each new product. An adopter is someone who takes on this new idea/product and uses it. The stage of adoption is to do with how fast someone starts using this idea/product. The stages are:
- (Technologists, creators) Innovators - 2.5%
- (Visionaries, creators) Early Adopters - 13.5%
- (Pragmatists, critics & collectors) Early Majority - 34%
- (Conservatives, joiners & spectators) Late Majority - 34%
- (Skeptics, inactive) Laggards -16%
To show our knowledge of the diffusion of innovation Mr. Darlow set us the following task:
"Develop a concept for a new technological device. Consider who you are aiming the product at and develop a marketing campaign to suit the early adopters and how you would develop the marketing strategy after the 'scarcity' phase. You should make two of the following"
- TV advert (storyboard for)
- Web advert (banners, columns, webpage)
- Print advert
- Billboard
- Advertising slogan
The Product is the "Black Box" which is meant to be able to perform and do everything.
I chose the slogan "It only does everything" as this will entice the Visionaries and creators to test this claim and try to beat it by buying the product.
The web banner simply shows the Black Box, and lets the product boast the tagline: "It only does everything. The Paper advert is simply a stationary version of the online advert.
to earn more marks please link this into your own practical production - regard it as modelling potential outcome/artefacts and then consider what has been learned / how it would affect the audience and the benefits for the industry/exhibition and distribution