Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Animation Industry

Animation Sector Profile. 
The global market for the animation industry is currently estimated at $50Billion. The uk is a large part of this market. However, the UK has had to change, inorder for it to secure the the greatest profits from the international market, the animation industry of the UK will have to increasingly rely on highly skilled and specialsed workforce. More than 75% of the animation workforce are graduates and the it is due to the high quality of higher education, which is a key factor in determining the long-term future of the industry.

Professions in Animation.
 Around 4,700 People are currently employed by the animation industry throughout the UK. However, around 40% are freelance or on short term contracts, with 20% Sole Traders, or self employed. The largest occupational groups are draw/stop frame animation employing around 1000 people producing (910), computer generated animation (900), and production (430). In addition, a further 1100 more people are employed in key animation roles in other audiovisual sectors. 


  1. source -

    and.... what did you learn that was useful - add a print screen / hyperlink to the site - plus add it to the useful weblinks gadget

  2. The source was already credited at the the bottom of the post in the right hand corner and was also added to the list.

    I have added direct links to the websites in the subtitles.
