Friday, 17 February 2012

Animation Complete.

After many week of animation the main film has been completed. Running at around 2:30 the final footage is slightly shorter than had been planed, however this is due to complications with filming as the technology often let me down. During the final day of filming, the camera became unresponsive to the mac-book which took two hours to resolve. this sadly reduced my final hours of animation meaning the storyline had to shortened, slightly.

I have shown my animation to my fellow classmates and they very impressed with the quality of the animation, however, they feel that the film lacks an ending and that the film ends on too large of a cliff hanger. I would resolve this problem by re-writing the end of the story and having the door vanish, sadly, I no longer possess the time to complete this task, so I have edited the film to the best of my ability to attempt to fix the ending.

1 comment:

  1. we need to problem solve and add a stronger ending - this post needs much more reflective comments - consider
    a) the assessment criteria - what s met/missing
    b) your market/audience - will they be satisfied
    c) complete a SWOT analysis - i think it has a lot of easily addressed weaknesses - perhaps improve the audio, vary the soundtrack and add some text signifiers to amplify the action and help direct the audience more - we can talk about it
